Journey through the Alps


Solden (1350m) to Hildesheimer Hütte DAV (2899m)


20 February 2017

Stage A05

Map: Austria ÖAV 1:25,000 – 31/1 Stubaier Alpen (Hochstubai)

Time: 8.20hrs (depart 08.40, arrive 17.00)

Distance: 16.6km (ascent 1739m, descent 173m)

Weather: Cloudy morning, sunny afternoon

Notes: Follow the summer road up the Windachtal valley eastwards until the service cable way for the hut. Turn NE following the marked winter path. The final approach to the hut is along a steep path protected by fixed cables (difficult if the cables are buried in snow).

Accommodation: There is a small modern winter hut, but the electricity was not working when we were the and the wood stove was out of action due to a chimney problem.

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Bad weather day

21 February

We set out at 09.00 but returned at 13.50 having failed to make much progress. Total distance covered 7km. We spent a second night in Hildesheimer Hutte with no heating or lighting.

Weather: light / moderate snowfall with variable winds and visibility.


Hildesheimer Hütte DAV (2899m) to Nürnberger Hütte DAV (2280m) A08

22 February 2017

Stage A06

Map: Austria ÖAV 1:25,000 – 31/1 Stubaier Alpen (Hochstubai)

Time: 11.15hrs (depart 07.15, arrive 18.30)

Distance: 21.7km (ascent 1160m, descent 1779m)

Weather: Strong winds in morning, fair afternoon

Notes: Ascend the glacier on easy ground to the Pfaffenjoch 3212m then climb final 150m to the summit of Wilder Pfaff (3456m) on foot. The descent on the East ridge is steep for 200m but protected with fixed ironwork (when not buried by snow!). Pass by the obvious Muller Hutte and Becherhaus before dropping into a valley to the east of Becherhaus and climbing to the Freigerscharte pass. This pass is shown as a ski tour route on the Austrian AC map, however the ascent from the West is steep, difficult and dangerous (loose rock and poor protection) for 40m. There may be a safer but slightly longer ascent possible a few hundred meters north on a snow ramp. Descent on the East side of the pass is straightforward, as is the ski down to the Nurnberger Hutte. (The section between the summit of the Wilder Pfaff and the Freigerscharte pass is in Italy)

Accommodation: The main hut is a large structure with several outbuildings. The very small winter hut is one of the outbuildings, and is not well marked. The wood stove works well but there is no lighting.

Accommodation options: The are 4 huts between the Hildesheimer Hutte and Steinach (Muller, Becher, Nurnberger, Bremer) and the journey can be divided in different ways by using different combinations of these huts.

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Nürnberger Hütte DAV (2280m) to Steinach (1049m)A08

23 February 2017

Stage A07

Maps: Austria ÖAV 1:25,000 – 31/1 Stubaier Alpen (Hochstubai), Austria ÖAV 1:50,000 – 31/3 Brennerberge

Time: 12.15hrs (depart 07.15, arrive 19.30)

Distance: 37.7km (ascent 1116m, descent 2338m)

Weather: Slightly overcast but generally good

Notes: The Nurnbergerscharte is not a technically difficult pass but it is complicated to find the easiest way over if coming from the west. It is probably best not to aim for the lowest part of the ridge but to ascend to pt 3026m a few hundred meters south. This then gives a good descent down the valley towards the Bremer Hutte. The hut can be bypassed by staying on the valley floor to the south and the skiing is good as far as Simmingsee (2010m). The next section of the descent is unpleasant through steep cliffs and small trees to the lower station of the service cableway at 1550m. Depending on snow conditions Nordic ski tracks should lead most of the way down the valley as far as Trins (1230m). It is then a 5km hike along the road to Steinach.

Accommodation: There are several hotels in Steinach. The Hotel Post is central and the staff are helpful.

Resupply options: There are two supermarkets and several other shops in Steinach.

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Rest day in Steinach

24 February 2017

Weather: light rain in the morning, clearing in the afternoon.


David Hamilton
High Adventure
67 Castle Road
CV10 0SG


Telephone: +44 790 5009530


Website by Jenkin Hill Internet
